Thursday, November 29, 2012

Month 5.... in all its Glory :)

5 months.......and I just realized I can't count...... I went to the dr today for my 6th month check up... and I thought I was 6 months out...... why else would they try to schedule me in November........ Nevertheless, I'm 5 months out and 5 lbs away from 100lb lost!!!! that's ever more amazing to me than 5 mins ago when I thought it was 6 months.....yayyyy me!!!!!
November has been an interesting month. I started my busines as an Independent Wildtree Representative. It is quite interesting because I never tried to sell a thing in my life before , but this is FOOD... Food I can do :) at least I hope!  I got through my first food holiday post surgery and it was easier than I thought..... considering I made pumpkin pie and tried the most amazing sweet potato casserole ever in my life.... and I still  made it and didn't over eat! and I didn't gain weight!!! 

Another yay for the month is in this months pictures. I am wearing the skinny pants :) I bought these pants a long time ago , before surgery even... any of the ladies out there will understand ( I hope) the difficulty with pants for fat chicks going from  real  size numbers to shapes and  numbers you can count on one hand. I guess its to make us feel better but I'm not sure its fooling anyone. Anyways, I bought these triangle 4's and I could barely get them on... Every month I have tried them on and now I can actually button them and they no look too tight!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyy...... I oddly enough  like having some clothes that are on the small side so I can measure how I am actually changing. I have to admit I see an amazing difference in the pictures this month, a difference that I didn't realize before.  Kinda like holy crap was I really that big?  because I don't always get the obvious  these pictures, the blog, the fb page, is my remind and my documenting my physical change. Slowly but surely the outside is matching the skinny chick in side that I  shut up with chocolate :) Love you all and can't wait to see you all in December!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Month 4

So October has been an interesting month..... I'm not soo good at math and realized that I have been doing my months  when I have dr apts which don't always occur on the month mark.... :)  Thennnnn I realized that not only did I put the wrong month on the last pictures ... but  I also messed up the lbs. from the last drs apt they said there is some normal slowing down from month 2-3 and it picks back up then starts slowing down by 9 months.. Soo I  have to kick it in to high gear so I can lose as much whooo hooo....  I can  drink but have yet to because its beyond inconvient... apparently I will get drunk fast .. it may wear off quick and then I will still be legally intoxicated, which means no drinking  almost always. Not a big deal so far soo we will see. 

As you can tell in the pictures there is no halloween costume... sorry for those who thought that would be awesome.... ummm  ya moving on...... I am excited to say that I am  9 lbs away from 100lbs since  July 2011!!!!!! I am supppper excited about that.. and for those that dont know that when I started this  crazy awesome journey! Some more amazing sarah's weight trivia..... I am a little over 23 lbs away from what I weighed in my sophomore year of HIGH SCHOOL when I started one of many diets.... and I'm 40 lbs away from the smallest I HAVE EVER BEEN since high school !!!! and  I am 50lbs from 100lbs since surgery!!!!!! pretty darn awesome to think about all that. 

Here's to hoping I can stay away from  Gabby's candy this Halloween :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

3 months

So 3 months freaking awesome!!!!!!!!  Having some ups and downs along the way but really excited... still having some issues with eating  beef.... but i can eat steak kabobs :) just nothing else. I have been working on the wardrobe have to admit that's a pretty awesome feeling to literally get rid of all your clothes because you cant wear them!!!  Got the green light from the dr on my blood work everything is great and in a normal range  which is even more awesome because I suck at taking my medicine and my vitamins..... i mean seriously i rather  get some type of vitamin an medicine implant every month or something rather than take the pills.

So the big thing  I have been thinking about to day is  when I talk about my weight and how much I have lost do I go with my  starting weight from last July or  from surgery...... I lost 40 some lbs from before surgery sooo my total loss stands at 81 lbs which sounds amazing in its self but I don't know if it really counts... well it does but does it  really count in the weight  I am counting now?? My surgeon doesn't go off that number because they didn't know me then... but   the OBGYN who  I started seeing for insulin resistance/ PCOS  and who  had started me on the path of my weight loss  , well they use that  number.  With thinking about all this I also can't help thinking that I am very close .... extremely close to 100lbs less than I was last July.... and  then my mind is blown.

Soooo back to the important news..... I am offically down 47 lbs  wooot

Monday, August 20, 2012

2 months!!!

YAYYYYYYYY two months........  things have been really busy around new class for the program hopefully they wont get too annoying :) best of all we got to go on a retreat as a family this past weekend and we all got to have a decent time.. when I wasn't being forced to walk up a mountain... but enough of that..... back to me and my weight loss :)

Drum Roll Please.............. official weight today 299!!! whoooo hooo I'm officially down 35 lbs from surgery and 65 lbs year to date. I am 3 sizes smaller  in my shirts and pants!!!!! I needed new work clothes and got to hit up fashion bug it was quite a nice shopping trip!!!!!  I am looking forward to having to buy more clothes as time moves on

Friday, August 10, 2012

6 weeks and COUNTING

FYI Im still here :) just reallly  busy classes starting back up and I had to go back to work :( booo... But the awesome  side is that I think I will have a good class this year and really hope not to the have the issues like last year!!!  btw I am just over 30 lbs and doing great... on regular foods  as of last monday and  doing good as long as i dont eat the beef jerky I really like and want.. or eggs... oh well in time i guess... I am able to exercise now and I can SWIM.. Gabby is so excited about that you have no idea......<3 ya all

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So its been a month..... seems like  such a short time and a long time all at the same time.  I am doing really good not really having much pain but when i do its cuz im still doing things. I got to move onto soft foods last week was AWESOME!!!  My  first meal consisted of a hotdog.... pretty sure it was an all beef one and i reallly dont care for that.. i love my fake dogs any day! Finished that meal with some salmon.  Kevin is finally home from his deployment and I cant tell you all how excited we are to have him home... now I dont have to make excuses about why I didn't mow the grass to my self :). Still  getting dizzy here and there but its getting better-ish. 

So one thing I haven't talked about is the numbers where I was at  where i wanna be and where I am.... well last July when i started this whole mess I was about 374. Since then I have been seeing a OBGYN who specializes in  PCOS/Insulin Resistance ..odly enough Dr. Foley lol .  I am not sure i buy into the juju but I lost 40lbs  from July till about March... then i was stilling about 334 lbs until I had surgery. Today I am 307 and some change..  So total I have lost 67 lbs in one year!!! and soon to be more.  There is no set number I will be at but i should be in the 170- 180 range according to some chart and blah blah blah.... whos knows where I will be I just know that I will be a much.. much  smaller me!!!  Today we celebrated kevin being home with massages and  I  looovvvveeeddd it... can't wait to do it again!

The best thing about having kevin  back was the comment he made about being able to actually fit his arms around me... I wonder if it is odd that I never really noticed.... either way  love the fact that he at least noticed.

Monday, July 9, 2012

2 weeks... really?

Sooo its been a bit and  I have been avoiding it.... so before I go to bed I'll give you a  quick update...  Back pain last week that was pretty horrible  which .. with a lot of prayers!!... ended up being nothing... I have a theory but we will see because today I got my shipment of RTD Isopure  protein drinks.. for those who aren't in the know... lol ... RTD is ready to drink.... I just learned that :D...   I got enough to make sure I'm getting in the protein I'm suppose to.. which I haven't been because its rather hard when doing all the rest of the crap i have to do!....    So back to the pain... next time im not suppose to wait 2 days and call sooner... :) I think thats the king in me? oh welllll......

So currently,  I went back to work today... seems how I am just teaching just one class its really not like work at all :)... This weekend will be interesting because I have 2 day 8 am-5 pm seminar that I am putting on at the school. I am trying to plan now all the things  I and Gabby will need to survive this.  Really not having any issues my penrose  drain is  draining which is suppose to be good.. but rather nasty actually....  I verified today that the penrose rain wasn't soooo pen size... it was rather large like a manacotti noodle... the next time you eat some or if i make it for you.... I really want to give you a nice visual!!! lol ...

Other than that doing rather well I think... I need to work on cleaning this house  and that's about it for now.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tomorrow is 1 week since my surgery.  I can't believe how fast time has gone!  One of the most common things that I've have been asked ( and that I have been wondering ) is  would  I weigh less  right after surgery?? Well  I didn't weigh less right after surgery (prolly due to the excess fluid  and such just from surgery alone)  but  within the days after surgery I saw that number going DOWN on the scale!  I have been noticing a change in the size  of my stomach but thought  I was crazy..  Today the scale officially said  10 lbs less! woooo hooooo....  Makes me wonder what How much I will  have lost  by the time my husband comes home from his deployment in the next few months!  Being so excited about when he comes home I am trying to plan  what I would wear and for once its frustrating in a  good way :). I am fighting the urge to go shopping and buying a lot of  clothes and hope that  I can make good use of goodwill  for the majority of my clothes.  I haven't been feeling hungry at all  and they say for the 1st year I shouldn't ever feel hungry!  I am doing my best to  get in enough liquid  sip by sip  I need 64ox clear liquids a day majority being water... so far I have been able to do it a couple days but  its hard for me to remember! I found this great android app  for  keeping track of water intake! and that has helped!

~till next time!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Aunt Julie and why surgery now?

I couldn't imagine not having Aunt Julie here to help during this time!  There are tons of things to get used to.. like keeping track of how much water I have had!!!!!  I will get better at this  and I will do what I have to do... Tomorrow my Aunt Julie leaves and although I'll be sad to see her leave I know that she has helped me  and given me the strength to get through this.  Some of you may be wondering why  I even did this.. well until you  know what its like to be fat, fluffy, over weight, morbidly obese,  not being able to sit in a chair comfortably, and I could go on.. but really you will never know and I don't care to explain it till you can understand. :)

I would have wanted to wait till  Kevin got home but  who wants to welcome someone home from a deployment ... with hi babe  time to go have surgery and in be in crazy pain for a while... at least this way  I'll have about a month of recovery time before I see him.

I wouldn't change what I have done and its crazy that  I did this on Monday  time  went by so quickly!

The Big Day

6-25-12  is the date I was essentially reborn with the chance of a life time to be  the best me that I can be.  Recently, my brother was talking to me about important dates. This was after  dates were brought to his attention during a Sunday church service. Since talking with my brother I have done some searching about important dates in my life.

6-25-12  is my second birthday, the day I stood up against the fight I have had since childhood and firmly beat it down ! lol

I found this quite fitting~
The passing of time escapes no one; we are all subject to aging and the fear of mortality. For some, the idea of getting older is a stressful one; others will feel more amiable to changing and passing through the later decades of life.  The best defense against the worries associated with contemplating time is to use the time you have effectively. Living happily and with purpose can be simpler with proper time management. Getting the most out of each day, and enjoying life to the fullest, will help you understand the importance of every moment..

My only option  is to get the most out of each and every day that I have left here and enjoying this life to the fullest. My new life that is limitless with the opportunities that just around the corner. 

How I found MY surgeon

So starting where I left off  I went several more years on physician monitored diets.. The best one was the Optifast program where I drank shakes and ate  bars for  about 6months.. but that didn't last long at all... then the Protein sparing modified fast... that was prolly the worse diet ever considering my dislike of meat..

Now that leaves us to after my move to Colorado.   I started looking into the gastric bypass as an option with the coverage under tri-care insurance and  worked on the path to surgery.  This was the craziest adventure ever.. if there's one thing that I can stress over and over again is... check,   double check, triple check  your surgeon!!!

The first surgeon I had seen I thought checking out her history was  good enough.  I liked that she came from a large place and was close to home for the dr visits. The first of many mistakes to come from this  surgeon was   having a office staff of one person. Although this person was very nice his mistakes made it impossible for me to trust that I wouldn't be killed over something as crazy as paperwork.

  1. Spent 3 months  requesting records from  previous doctors. the information was completely irrelevant  for my surgery approval because they were  older than 1 year!!
  2. Mailed in paper work (or so he said) to the office located in California.... Ya my insurance provider only accepts fax and has a office located  literally across the street from the physicians office... Needless to say my  surgery was denied because they never received any supporting documentation  to approve for the surgery. Actually , they only received  a letter stating that I wanted to have surgery.. nothing more... sooo clearly they had to deny it. 
  3. Ontop of all that I was left with the job to appeal with my insurance company.... the  office staff and physician had no clue how to appeal  (even when they said they worked with my insurance company before)
If that's not enough  to make you lose faith... I never heard from the surgeon  since the first visit 9 months prior  and there would be months when the office staff would not return a call.

After this crazy  mess I started looking for a new surgeon. I came across The Denver Center for Bariatric Sugery and Dr. Snyder. This is the first time I found a surgeon who I didn't think was a jerk. He's very honest, open, and down to earth to actually help ME!!
Dr. Snyder's team  was amazing from the begining. They knew how to deal with my insurance provider and was amazed with the poor work that has been completed.

What really made up my mind was an old lady in the waiting room. This lady was talking to me about how she loved Dr. Snyder. This was the only surgeon that was willing to help her out because her weight was  trapping her into other medical conditions. Most surgeons only care about their success scores and do not want to risk looking good on paper.  As I said before, Dr, Snyder is very different. He has confidence in his abilities and knows  what he can do and how he can help others.

From start to finish it took less than 1 month to get everything set up for surgery!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The begining.... of the journery to small me

As I lay awake in the hospital just under 2 days post op from laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery  that was done ,  I can't help but to think about the first time I recognized I was over weight.

I distinctly remember 2 separate incidences for me. The first is when  I was with my Aunt wanted we were going to the movies so she wanted dress me up. Took some time to find a outfit that would fit and I only wore it once. I remember feeling like I was too big and this was the largest clothes they had at the store. I think I was older than 7 years old and in the 1st grade.

Skip forward to 2nd grade when I moved to a new school. I didn't know anyone and I was being refereed to as fat. I didn't see my self that way  until  that point. Being the new fat girl just wasn't what  I was expecting and hoping for.

Now skip to 8th grade and 9 grade, I moved my 8th grade year and stayed at that school until end of my freshman year. I think at this time  I was on  my first diet! I remember taking these pills to trap the fat and stop the absorption. This diet did work in losing some weight but it wasn't something that lasted or could keep doing.

On to my sophomore year in high school ... we moved back to the old school where I was told I was fat and by this point in time it was beyond true and I believed it. I remember my dad pressured me to do something about it and had taken me to Jenny Craig. I really didn't know what to think. Mixed emotions with  going to a weight loss center and my parents taking me to drs to find out why im fat. That a definite damage to any self esteem I had. I did lose weight with Jenny Craig  but this was an expense  my parents could no longer  afford the food that I  need and food for the rest of the family.

 From there the next diet I was placed on during my senior year of  HS. It was a  rx medication from  my physician  and that lasted a couple months before I had went away to college and stopped all the medication, which  I later found out was a bad medication to be on.

This is good enough for my first blog post and the beginning of my journey next post I'll  go over dieting a newborn! then my surgery. Today I get discharged and I couldn't be happier that I did this--- update 6-28-12   I  obviously shouldn't work on this while under the influence of medication !!!  no clue why  I wrote dieting a newborn lol