Thursday, June 28, 2012

Aunt Julie and why surgery now?

I couldn't imagine not having Aunt Julie here to help during this time!  There are tons of things to get used to.. like keeping track of how much water I have had!!!!!  I will get better at this  and I will do what I have to do... Tomorrow my Aunt Julie leaves and although I'll be sad to see her leave I know that she has helped me  and given me the strength to get through this.  Some of you may be wondering why  I even did this.. well until you  know what its like to be fat, fluffy, over weight, morbidly obese,  not being able to sit in a chair comfortably, and I could go on.. but really you will never know and I don't care to explain it till you can understand. :)

I would have wanted to wait till  Kevin got home but  who wants to welcome someone home from a deployment ... with hi babe  time to go have surgery and in be in crazy pain for a while... at least this way  I'll have about a month of recovery time before I see him.

I wouldn't change what I have done and its crazy that  I did this on Monday  time  went by so quickly!

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