Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tomorrow is 1 week since my surgery.  I can't believe how fast time has gone!  One of the most common things that I've have been asked ( and that I have been wondering ) is  would  I weigh less  right after surgery?? Well  I didn't weigh less right after surgery (prolly due to the excess fluid  and such just from surgery alone)  but  within the days after surgery I saw that number going DOWN on the scale!  I have been noticing a change in the size  of my stomach but thought  I was crazy..  Today the scale officially said  10 lbs less! woooo hooooo....  Makes me wonder what How much I will  have lost  by the time my husband comes home from his deployment in the next few months!  Being so excited about when he comes home I am trying to plan  what I would wear and for once its frustrating in a  good way :). I am fighting the urge to go shopping and buying a lot of  clothes and hope that  I can make good use of goodwill  for the majority of my clothes.  I haven't been feeling hungry at all  and they say for the 1st year I shouldn't ever feel hungry!  I am doing my best to  get in enough liquid  sip by sip  I need 64ox clear liquids a day majority being water... so far I have been able to do it a couple days but  its hard for me to remember! I found this great android app  for  keeping track of water intake! and that has helped!

~till next time!