Monday, July 9, 2012

2 weeks... really?

Sooo its been a bit and  I have been avoiding it.... so before I go to bed I'll give you a  quick update...  Back pain last week that was pretty horrible  which .. with a lot of prayers!!... ended up being nothing... I have a theory but we will see because today I got my shipment of RTD Isopure  protein drinks.. for those who aren't in the know... lol ... RTD is ready to drink.... I just learned that :D...   I got enough to make sure I'm getting in the protein I'm suppose to.. which I haven't been because its rather hard when doing all the rest of the crap i have to do!....    So back to the pain... next time im not suppose to wait 2 days and call sooner... :) I think thats the king in me? oh welllll......

So currently,  I went back to work today... seems how I am just teaching just one class its really not like work at all :)... This weekend will be interesting because I have 2 day 8 am-5 pm seminar that I am putting on at the school. I am trying to plan now all the things  I and Gabby will need to survive this.  Really not having any issues my penrose  drain is  draining which is suppose to be good.. but rather nasty actually....  I verified today that the penrose rain wasn't soooo pen size... it was rather large like a manacotti noodle... the next time you eat some or if i make it for you.... I really want to give you a nice visual!!! lol ...

Other than that doing rather well I think... I need to work on cleaning this house  and that's about it for now.

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