Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So its been a month..... seems like  such a short time and a long time all at the same time.  I am doing really good not really having much pain but when i do its cuz im still doing things. I got to move onto soft foods last week was AWESOME!!!  My  first meal consisted of a hotdog.... pretty sure it was an all beef one and i reallly dont care for that.. i love my fake dogs any day! Finished that meal with some salmon.  Kevin is finally home from his deployment and I cant tell you all how excited we are to have him home... now I dont have to make excuses about why I didn't mow the grass to my self :). Still  getting dizzy here and there but its getting better-ish. 

So one thing I haven't talked about is the numbers where I was at  where i wanna be and where I am.... well last July when i started this whole mess I was about 374. Since then I have been seeing a OBGYN who specializes in  PCOS/Insulin Resistance ..odly enough Dr. Foley lol .  I am not sure i buy into the juju but I lost 40lbs  from July till about March... then i was stilling about 334 lbs until I had surgery. Today I am 307 and some change..  So total I have lost 67 lbs in one year!!! and soon to be more.  There is no set number I will be at but i should be in the 170- 180 range according to some chart and blah blah blah.... whos knows where I will be I just know that I will be a much.. much  smaller me!!!  Today we celebrated kevin being home with massages and  I  looovvvveeeddd it... can't wait to do it again!

The best thing about having kevin  back was the comment he made about being able to actually fit his arms around me... I wonder if it is odd that I never really noticed.... either way  love the fact that he at least noticed.

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