Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Big Day

6-25-12  is the date I was essentially reborn with the chance of a life time to be  the best me that I can be.  Recently, my brother was talking to me about important dates. This was after  dates were brought to his attention during a Sunday church service. Since talking with my brother I have done some searching about important dates in my life.

6-25-12  is my second birthday, the day I stood up against the fight I have had since childhood and firmly beat it down ! lol

I found this quite fitting~
The passing of time escapes no one; we are all subject to aging and the fear of mortality. For some, the idea of getting older is a stressful one; others will feel more amiable to changing and passing through the later decades of life.  The best defense against the worries associated with contemplating time is to use the time you have effectively. Living happily and with purpose can be simpler with proper time management. Getting the most out of each day, and enjoying life to the fullest, will help you understand the importance of every moment..

My only option  is to get the most out of each and every day that I have left here and enjoying this life to the fullest. My new life that is limitless with the opportunities that just around the corner. 

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