Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The begining.... of the journery to small me

As I lay awake in the hospital just under 2 days post op from laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery  that was done ,  I can't help but to think about the first time I recognized I was over weight.

I distinctly remember 2 separate incidences for me. The first is when  I was with my Aunt wanted we were going to the movies so she wanted dress me up. Took some time to find a outfit that would fit and I only wore it once. I remember feeling like I was too big and this was the largest clothes they had at the store. I think I was older than 7 years old and in the 1st grade.

Skip forward to 2nd grade when I moved to a new school. I didn't know anyone and I was being refereed to as fat. I didn't see my self that way  until  that point. Being the new fat girl just wasn't what  I was expecting and hoping for.

Now skip to 8th grade and 9 grade, I moved my 8th grade year and stayed at that school until end of my freshman year. I think at this time  I was on  my first diet! I remember taking these pills to trap the fat and stop the absorption. This diet did work in losing some weight but it wasn't something that lasted or could keep doing.

On to my sophomore year in high school ... we moved back to the old school where I was told I was fat and by this point in time it was beyond true and I believed it. I remember my dad pressured me to do something about it and had taken me to Jenny Craig. I really didn't know what to think. Mixed emotions with  going to a weight loss center and my parents taking me to drs to find out why im fat. That a definite damage to any self esteem I had. I did lose weight with Jenny Craig  but this was an expense  my parents could no longer  afford the food that I  need and food for the rest of the family.

 From there the next diet I was placed on during my senior year of  HS. It was a  rx medication from  my physician  and that lasted a couple months before I had went away to college and stopped all the medication, which  I later found out was a bad medication to be on.

This is good enough for my first blog post and the beginning of my journey next post I'll  go over dieting a newborn! then my surgery. Today I get discharged and I couldn't be happier that I did this--- update 6-28-12   I  obviously shouldn't work on this while under the influence of medication !!!  no clue why  I wrote dieting a newborn lol

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