Thursday, November 29, 2012

Month 5.... in all its Glory :)

5 months.......and I just realized I can't count...... I went to the dr today for my 6th month check up... and I thought I was 6 months out...... why else would they try to schedule me in November........ Nevertheless, I'm 5 months out and 5 lbs away from 100lb lost!!!! that's ever more amazing to me than 5 mins ago when I thought it was 6 months.....yayyyy me!!!!!
November has been an interesting month. I started my busines as an Independent Wildtree Representative. It is quite interesting because I never tried to sell a thing in my life before , but this is FOOD... Food I can do :) at least I hope!  I got through my first food holiday post surgery and it was easier than I thought..... considering I made pumpkin pie and tried the most amazing sweet potato casserole ever in my life.... and I still  made it and didn't over eat! and I didn't gain weight!!! 

Another yay for the month is in this months pictures. I am wearing the skinny pants :) I bought these pants a long time ago , before surgery even... any of the ladies out there will understand ( I hope) the difficulty with pants for fat chicks going from  real  size numbers to shapes and  numbers you can count on one hand. I guess its to make us feel better but I'm not sure its fooling anyone. Anyways, I bought these triangle 4's and I could barely get them on... Every month I have tried them on and now I can actually button them and they no look too tight!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyy...... I oddly enough  like having some clothes that are on the small side so I can measure how I am actually changing. I have to admit I see an amazing difference in the pictures this month, a difference that I didn't realize before.  Kinda like holy crap was I really that big?  because I don't always get the obvious  these pictures, the blog, the fb page, is my remind and my documenting my physical change. Slowly but surely the outside is matching the skinny chick in side that I  shut up with chocolate :) Love you all and can't wait to see you all in December!

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