Wednesday, September 19, 2012

3 months

So 3 months freaking awesome!!!!!!!!  Having some ups and downs along the way but really excited... still having some issues with eating  beef.... but i can eat steak kabobs :) just nothing else. I have been working on the wardrobe have to admit that's a pretty awesome feeling to literally get rid of all your clothes because you cant wear them!!!  Got the green light from the dr on my blood work everything is great and in a normal range  which is even more awesome because I suck at taking my medicine and my vitamins..... i mean seriously i rather  get some type of vitamin an medicine implant every month or something rather than take the pills.

So the big thing  I have been thinking about to day is  when I talk about my weight and how much I have lost do I go with my  starting weight from last July or  from surgery...... I lost 40 some lbs from before surgery sooo my total loss stands at 81 lbs which sounds amazing in its self but I don't know if it really counts... well it does but does it  really count in the weight  I am counting now?? My surgeon doesn't go off that number because they didn't know me then... but   the OBGYN who  I started seeing for insulin resistance/ PCOS  and who  had started me on the path of my weight loss  , well they use that  number.  With thinking about all this I also can't help thinking that I am very close .... extremely close to 100lbs less than I was last July.... and  then my mind is blown.

Soooo back to the important news..... I am offically down 47 lbs  wooot

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