Friday, July 5, 2013

1 year !!!!!!!

Well, what can I say but I'm a slacker lol.  Its been since Nov that I have even post a entry. So much has happened  time has really flown  by., an so have the lbs!!!!!!!!!!!  I am now just over 1 year out!!!! and I have lost 110lbs!!! I've lost a  whole  person ... thats crazy!!!   I started at a size 28/32  4x/5x and I am now size 22 or  Xl ..  its awesome!!!

 I've also completed my first 5k!! I  did a 5k with my  Husband and 5 year old daughter and we all did the whole  way in 45 mins!!! awesome I think for me.  My daughter has loved it and wants to continue doing them, so I have been on the look out for  more events!!  I have so many pictures to  share with you and will update soon I promiss.

 This is by far one of my favorite before an after pictures! The difference in how I fit in my own bathtub is crazy to see...but what is  awesome is to feel the difference!!!!

We have been staying busy and  hope to have more pictures of 5k's to share with you!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Month 5.... in all its Glory :)

5 months.......and I just realized I can't count...... I went to the dr today for my 6th month check up... and I thought I was 6 months out...... why else would they try to schedule me in November........ Nevertheless, I'm 5 months out and 5 lbs away from 100lb lost!!!! that's ever more amazing to me than 5 mins ago when I thought it was 6 months.....yayyyy me!!!!!
November has been an interesting month. I started my busines as an Independent Wildtree Representative. It is quite interesting because I never tried to sell a thing in my life before , but this is FOOD... Food I can do :) at least I hope!  I got through my first food holiday post surgery and it was easier than I thought..... considering I made pumpkin pie and tried the most amazing sweet potato casserole ever in my life.... and I still  made it and didn't over eat! and I didn't gain weight!!! 

Another yay for the month is in this months pictures. I am wearing the skinny pants :) I bought these pants a long time ago , before surgery even... any of the ladies out there will understand ( I hope) the difficulty with pants for fat chicks going from  real  size numbers to shapes and  numbers you can count on one hand. I guess its to make us feel better but I'm not sure its fooling anyone. Anyways, I bought these triangle 4's and I could barely get them on... Every month I have tried them on and now I can actually button them and they no look too tight!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyy...... I oddly enough  like having some clothes that are on the small side so I can measure how I am actually changing. I have to admit I see an amazing difference in the pictures this month, a difference that I didn't realize before.  Kinda like holy crap was I really that big?  because I don't always get the obvious  these pictures, the blog, the fb page, is my remind and my documenting my physical change. Slowly but surely the outside is matching the skinny chick in side that I  shut up with chocolate :) Love you all and can't wait to see you all in December!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Month 4

So October has been an interesting month..... I'm not soo good at math and realized that I have been doing my months  when I have dr apts which don't always occur on the month mark.... :)  Thennnnn I realized that not only did I put the wrong month on the last pictures ... but  I also messed up the lbs. from the last drs apt they said there is some normal slowing down from month 2-3 and it picks back up then starts slowing down by 9 months.. Soo I  have to kick it in to high gear so I can lose as much whooo hooo....  I can  drink but have yet to because its beyond inconvient... apparently I will get drunk fast .. it may wear off quick and then I will still be legally intoxicated, which means no drinking  almost always. Not a big deal so far soo we will see. 

As you can tell in the pictures there is no halloween costume... sorry for those who thought that would be awesome.... ummm  ya moving on...... I am excited to say that I am  9 lbs away from 100lbs since  July 2011!!!!!! I am supppper excited about that.. and for those that dont know that when I started this  crazy awesome journey! Some more amazing sarah's weight trivia..... I am a little over 23 lbs away from what I weighed in my sophomore year of HIGH SCHOOL when I started one of many diets.... and I'm 40 lbs away from the smallest I HAVE EVER BEEN since high school !!!! and  I am 50lbs from 100lbs since surgery!!!!!! pretty darn awesome to think about all that. 

Here's to hoping I can stay away from  Gabby's candy this Halloween :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

3 months

So 3 months freaking awesome!!!!!!!!  Having some ups and downs along the way but really excited... still having some issues with eating  beef.... but i can eat steak kabobs :) just nothing else. I have been working on the wardrobe have to admit that's a pretty awesome feeling to literally get rid of all your clothes because you cant wear them!!!  Got the green light from the dr on my blood work everything is great and in a normal range  which is even more awesome because I suck at taking my medicine and my vitamins..... i mean seriously i rather  get some type of vitamin an medicine implant every month or something rather than take the pills.

So the big thing  I have been thinking about to day is  when I talk about my weight and how much I have lost do I go with my  starting weight from last July or  from surgery...... I lost 40 some lbs from before surgery sooo my total loss stands at 81 lbs which sounds amazing in its self but I don't know if it really counts... well it does but does it  really count in the weight  I am counting now?? My surgeon doesn't go off that number because they didn't know me then... but   the OBGYN who  I started seeing for insulin resistance/ PCOS  and who  had started me on the path of my weight loss  , well they use that  number.  With thinking about all this I also can't help thinking that I am very close .... extremely close to 100lbs less than I was last July.... and  then my mind is blown.

Soooo back to the important news..... I am offically down 47 lbs  wooot

Monday, August 20, 2012

2 months!!!

YAYYYYYYYY two months........  things have been really busy around new class for the program hopefully they wont get too annoying :) best of all we got to go on a retreat as a family this past weekend and we all got to have a decent time.. when I wasn't being forced to walk up a mountain... but enough of that..... back to me and my weight loss :)

Drum Roll Please.............. official weight today 299!!! whoooo hooo I'm officially down 35 lbs from surgery and 65 lbs year to date. I am 3 sizes smaller  in my shirts and pants!!!!! I needed new work clothes and got to hit up fashion bug it was quite a nice shopping trip!!!!!  I am looking forward to having to buy more clothes as time moves on

Friday, August 10, 2012

6 weeks and COUNTING

FYI Im still here :) just reallly  busy classes starting back up and I had to go back to work :( booo... But the awesome  side is that I think I will have a good class this year and really hope not to the have the issues like last year!!!  btw I am just over 30 lbs and doing great... on regular foods  as of last monday and  doing good as long as i dont eat the beef jerky I really like and want.. or eggs... oh well in time i guess... I am able to exercise now and I can SWIM.. Gabby is so excited about that you have no idea......<3 ya all

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So its been a month..... seems like  such a short time and a long time all at the same time.  I am doing really good not really having much pain but when i do its cuz im still doing things. I got to move onto soft foods last week was AWESOME!!!  My  first meal consisted of a hotdog.... pretty sure it was an all beef one and i reallly dont care for that.. i love my fake dogs any day! Finished that meal with some salmon.  Kevin is finally home from his deployment and I cant tell you all how excited we are to have him home... now I dont have to make excuses about why I didn't mow the grass to my self :). Still  getting dizzy here and there but its getting better-ish. 

So one thing I haven't talked about is the numbers where I was at  where i wanna be and where I am.... well last July when i started this whole mess I was about 374. Since then I have been seeing a OBGYN who specializes in  PCOS/Insulin Resistance ..odly enough Dr. Foley lol .  I am not sure i buy into the juju but I lost 40lbs  from July till about March... then i was stilling about 334 lbs until I had surgery. Today I am 307 and some change..  So total I have lost 67 lbs in one year!!! and soon to be more.  There is no set number I will be at but i should be in the 170- 180 range according to some chart and blah blah blah.... whos knows where I will be I just know that I will be a much.. much  smaller me!!!  Today we celebrated kevin being home with massages and  I  looovvvveeeddd it... can't wait to do it again!

The best thing about having kevin  back was the comment he made about being able to actually fit his arms around me... I wonder if it is odd that I never really noticed.... either way  love the fact that he at least noticed.