Saturday, October 27, 2012

Month 4

So October has been an interesting month..... I'm not soo good at math and realized that I have been doing my months  when I have dr apts which don't always occur on the month mark.... :)  Thennnnn I realized that not only did I put the wrong month on the last pictures ... but  I also messed up the lbs. from the last drs apt they said there is some normal slowing down from month 2-3 and it picks back up then starts slowing down by 9 months.. Soo I  have to kick it in to high gear so I can lose as much whooo hooo....  I can  drink but have yet to because its beyond inconvient... apparently I will get drunk fast .. it may wear off quick and then I will still be legally intoxicated, which means no drinking  almost always. Not a big deal so far soo we will see. 

As you can tell in the pictures there is no halloween costume... sorry for those who thought that would be awesome.... ummm  ya moving on...... I am excited to say that I am  9 lbs away from 100lbs since  July 2011!!!!!! I am supppper excited about that.. and for those that dont know that when I started this  crazy awesome journey! Some more amazing sarah's weight trivia..... I am a little over 23 lbs away from what I weighed in my sophomore year of HIGH SCHOOL when I started one of many diets.... and I'm 40 lbs away from the smallest I HAVE EVER BEEN since high school !!!! and  I am 50lbs from 100lbs since surgery!!!!!! pretty darn awesome to think about all that. 

Here's to hoping I can stay away from  Gabby's candy this Halloween :)