Monday, August 20, 2012

2 months!!!

YAYYYYYYYY two months........  things have been really busy around new class for the program hopefully they wont get too annoying :) best of all we got to go on a retreat as a family this past weekend and we all got to have a decent time.. when I wasn't being forced to walk up a mountain... but enough of that..... back to me and my weight loss :)

Drum Roll Please.............. official weight today 299!!! whoooo hooo I'm officially down 35 lbs from surgery and 65 lbs year to date. I am 3 sizes smaller  in my shirts and pants!!!!! I needed new work clothes and got to hit up fashion bug it was quite a nice shopping trip!!!!!  I am looking forward to having to buy more clothes as time moves on

Friday, August 10, 2012

6 weeks and COUNTING

FYI Im still here :) just reallly  busy classes starting back up and I had to go back to work :( booo... But the awesome  side is that I think I will have a good class this year and really hope not to the have the issues like last year!!!  btw I am just over 30 lbs and doing great... on regular foods  as of last monday and  doing good as long as i dont eat the beef jerky I really like and want.. or eggs... oh well in time i guess... I am able to exercise now and I can SWIM.. Gabby is so excited about that you have no idea......<3 ya all